6 Common Symptoms of Chronic SinusitisMar 04, 2025Chronic sinusitis affects millions of people worldwide, leading to persistent discomfort and impacting daily life. If you’re experiencing ongoing sinus issues, recognizing the symptoms can help you seek appropriate care.Continue reading →
Throat SymptomsMar 05, 2024Otolaryngologists, also known as ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors, can provide treatment for a variety of throat symptoms. Read more to learn about some common throat symptoms that an otolaryngologist may address.Continue reading →
Choosing the Best Ent DoctorJan 26, 2024Complications involving the ear, nose and throat can significantly affect an individual’s lifestyle. For example, people suffering from chronic sinusitis experience continuous facial pressure, headaches, and congestion.Continue reading →
Treating Allergies 101Jan 18, 2024Immunotherapy is a medical treatment that exposes a person to small amounts of an allergen over time to reduce or eliminate their allergy symptoms. It is typically used to treat allergies to substances such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold.Continue reading →
Is My Sinus Infection Contagious?Jan 18, 2024Often times, sinusitis is not contagious. However, depending on the cause of the sinus infection, it can be spread to other people.Continue reading →
Living With AllergiesJan 10, 2024Allergies are a very common overreaction of the immune system to usually harmless substances. An allergy occurs when your body’s immune system sees a certain substance as harmful.Continue reading →
Balloon Sinuplasty 101Jan 01, 2024What is Balloon Sinuplasty? Balloon Sinuplasty is a simple in-office procedure that was developed in order to relieve symptoms of nasal congestion, nasal obstruction, chronic and recurrent sinus infection, sinus headaches, facial pressure, and...Continue reading →
Top Benefits of Balloon SinuplastyDec 14, 2023Balloon Sinuplasty safely and effectively dilates sinus openings that results in relief from sinus symptoms. This procedure has three easy steps: the device is inserted into the blocked sinus...Continue reading →
How to Sleep Well With Sinus ProblemsDec 10, 2023Getting a good night’s rest may seem impossible if you have persistent sinus problems, such as allergies or a sinus infection. If you breathe through your mouth, it prevents your nose from warming, moistening and filtering the air, ...Continue reading →
Do You Have Sinusitis?Feb 29, 2016If you have ever had allergies or cold symptoms that don’t seem to go away, there’s a good possibility you actually are suffering from sinusitis. Since these symptoms closely mimic other health complications...Continue reading →
Balloon Sinuplasty 101Jan 18, 2016A Balloon Sinuplasty is a revolutionary new way to safely and efficiently relieve patients of their chronic sinusitis symptoms. With this minimally invasive procedure, there are no incisions and the procedure is shown to be more effective...Continue reading →