If you frequently have trouble breathing through your nose or persistent congestion disrupts your ability to exercise or sleep, you may have a nasal obstruction. At Dr. Paul Lapco, ENT, in Pompano Beach, Florida, Paul Lapco, MD, a skilled otolaryngologist, has successfully helped many patients find lasting relief from nasal obstruction. He provides personalized treatment plans that may include medications and minimally invasive in-office procedures. To schedule an appointment, call the Broward County office or book online today.
Nasal obstruction occurs when something blocks your nose or nasal cavity. Swelling caused by allergies and a foreign object stuck in your nose can cause a nasal obstruction. However, the problem most often occurs due to:
The septum is a thin piece of cartilage that separates your two nostrils. When the septum is off center, you have a deviated septum. In severe cases, a deviated septum causes nasal obstruction, congestion, and swelling.
Three cylindrical structures called turbinates line each nostril, where they filter and warm the air you inhale. When the turbinates closest to the nostril openings become enlarged, you have inferior turbinate hypertrophy.
Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths that appear in your nasal passages. If they get too large, they block your airways.
If you have nasal obstruction, you may experience one or more of the following:
If your nasal obstruction causes a sinus infection (sinusitis), you may also have nasal drainage, pain and pressure around your sinuses, coughing, and a sore throat.
After examining your nose, Dr. Lapco may do an in-office CT scan to view the passages and diagnose the cause of your nasal obstruction. Then he creates a personalized treatment plan that targets the cause of the problem.
Antihistamines, decongestants, and steroid sprays may open your airways. However, many patients need a minimally invasive procedure to treat the underlying cause, such as:
VivAer uses low-temperature radiofrequency energy to reshape the structures blocking your nasal passage. As a result, your airways open and you can breathe normally. Dr. Lapco performs the VivAer procedure in the office with a local anesthetic.
SINUVA is an in-office nasal polyp treatment for people who had ethmoid sinus surgery. Dr. Lapco inserts a stent that delivers anti-inflammatory medicine directly to the nasal polyps, shrinking the polyps and giving you up to 90 days of symptom relief.
Dr. Lapco inserts the PolypVac device into your nose, where it vacuums out any polyps. The PolypVac procedure takes a few minutes, and then you can leave the office without taking downtime.
In some cases, you may need surgery to reduce the size of the turbinates or to straighten a deviated septum.
If you struggle with nasal obstruction, call Dr. Paul Lapco, ENT, or book an appointment online today.